Winter Update

Good morning,


Winter has begun. With this comes some “good housekeeping” reminders from the Alford Highway Dept.  As a property owner, whether you remove snow from your driveway yourself or hire someone else to do it there are laws about pushing snow into the roadway. Massachusetts general laws Chapter 85 section 7B for anyone wondering. If this has happened during past snow events please reach out to your contractors and let them know. Please don’t push snow across or into any roadway. Also some driveways become impassable until they are plowed out. Leaving your car at the bottom or top of your driveway is a great option in these instances. Please be sure you are in your driveway not in the road when you have to leave your vehicle. The farther you can be away from the snow coming off the plow or traffic in general the better. One last tip while traveling during any weather event is too please be sure to turn on your headlights. It helps everyone to see you coming even during the daylight hours. Plowing intersections and having to back into the roadway it is a bit unnerving to be surprised by a car that appears out of the falling snow with no warning. The Alford Highway Dept. would like to wish you a great winter season and safe travels.


Thomas Horrigan


Alford Highway D.P.W

O: 413-528-6327

C: 413-717-5154