AHDC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 29, 2021

Alford Historic District Commission

Board Meeting March 29, 2021

Present via Zoom: AHDC Members Robin Ban, Tricia Bevan, Alice Halsted, Shirley Mueller, Julie

Scott, Margareta Thaute, Ellen Bairstow (Alternate); Abutters Seyla Benhabib & Jim Sleeper

Absent: Ruth Littlechild

I: Call to Order: 5:02pm

II: Approval of Minutes: Minutes from AHDC Meeting of March 11, 2021 were unanimously approved.

III: Consideration of Certificate of Appropriateness for the Seekonk Brook Wetlands Trail on the

property known as the Parsonage, 7 Alford Center Road, located in the Alford Historic District on

behalf of the Town of Alford.

At the previous AHDC meeting of March 11, 2021, Julie Scott was voted temporary AHDC chair for

these deliberations, as Alice Halsted, an abutter, recused herself.

Julie and Tricia provided a synopsis and background of the trail project. They acted as volunteer grant

writers on behalf of the town with support of the Select Board. It was noted that their work was not on

behalf of the AHDC, but as interested Alford residents. Julie reported on the current plans for the trail

which were posted on the town of Alford’s website for review. The grant rules have very tight deadlines

to complete work by a certain date. Work cannot begin until all permits and approvals from the necessary

town or state entities are in place. A reply is expected on the grant in the coming week/s. If the grant is

approved, it is expected that the town will be ready to move forward and achieve the deadlines required.

Seyla and Jim had some questions concerning financing, trail completion schedule, materials and parking.

They expressed support for the project.

Shirley made a motion to act on the decision of the AHDC’s March 11th determination that the trail

project described in the Town of Alford’s Application for Appropriateness is “insubstantial in its effect”

on the historic district per Mass. Gen. Laws 40 C Section 11. A second motion was made by Robin Ban.

The motion was carried unanimously.

At the March 11th meeting the AHDC determined that the trail project described in the Application for

Appropriateness submitted by the Town of Alford on March 3rd, is insubstantial in its effect on the

historic district and could be heard and reviewed by the commission without a public hearing under Mass.

Gen. Laws 40C Section 11, after proper notice to abutters.

The Commission further determined that the construction and alteration required to construct this trail is

compatible with the preservation and protection of the historic district. It further promotes the welfare of

town residents by offering a wheelchair-accessible trail to enjoy a nature viewing area overlooking a

Critical Supporting Watershed designated through the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered

Species Program (NHESP) – part of a Priority/Core Habitat area.

The AHDC’s determination of insubstantial effect on the preservation and protection of the town of

Alford’s historic district and to issue a Certificate of Applicability for the 500’ proposed trail included

many considerations: general design, significance and location of the site, visibility from the road,

materials, texture and color of the walkway, limited disturbance of the property, compatibility of walkway

to the surrounding area and no substantial derogation to the historic district.

The application, description and photos were posted on the town of Alford’s website on March 17th. A

notice of today’s meeting was mailed to abutters within 300 feet on March 18th by the Town of Alford as


Votes to act on the determination of insubstantial effect on the historic district were recorded as follows:

Julie Scott-Yes; Robin Ban-Yes, Tricia Bevan-Yes, Shirley Mueller-Yes, Margareta Thaute-Yes. Alice

Halsted-Recused; Ellen Bairstow-Alternate-Abstained.

_____________________________________________________________________Julie Scott, Chair

IV: Election of Chair: A motion was made by Robin Ban to elect Alice Halsted as Chair. A second

motion was made by Tricia Bevan. The motion was carried unanimously. Alice Halsted chaired the

remainder of the meeting.

V: New Business

Reminder: Members were reminded to submit their Certificate of Completion for the Conflict of Interest

Law course directly to the Town Clerk. Members should send the Certificate of Receipt of Open Meeting

Law Materials to Alice as soon as possible. When all the forms are in, Alice is required to give them to

the Town Clerk.

Special Meeting: An informational meeting re the expansion of the Historic District must be held prior to

the annual Town Meeting on May 11th. A date was set for April 24th at 11am. It was suggested that the

Parsonage lawn would be an ideal location for this meeting. A rain date of April 25th at 11am would be

announced. If rain is predicted for both dates, a zoom link will be provided for April 25th at 11am. Alice

and Shirley will contact the Select Board and Jayne Smith, Alford Board of Health Representative,

regarding details and requirements for this meeting before moving forward.

Annual Event: It was agreed that the AHDC’s annual event would be held on Labor Day and would be

kept as simple as possible. It would consist of a picnic outdoors (BYO). A tent, tables, chairs and port-apotty

would be available. There would be a display of “Quarantine Reflections” and a slideshow of the

“Snapshot in Time” in Town Hall if possible. Health protocols would be followed. Alice and Shirley will

discuss with the Select Board and Jayne Smith. Alice will make arrangements for the tent, Shirley will

arrange for sanitation (handicap-accessible) and Tricia will set up a time and place for the Bateria

appearance as part of the event. Other music possibilities were discussed, but no further decisions were


A discussion followed about the need for audiovisual equipment for use at AHDC events. Further

research will be done in order to discuss and make any decisions.

VI: Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:09pm.